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InterGuard Solutions by Industry
Address the challenges posed by internal threats in every Industry

InterGuard is being used by small, medium and large organizations all over the world.

Here are just a few of the industries that are successfully using InterGuard to address the challenges posed by internal threats:


Education Security ConcernsAs cyber bullying and other digital threats become more and more prevalent, schools face the difficult task of implementing a cost-effective solution that can actually protect their student bodies, and not just deliver the illusion of security. With InterGuard’s broad feature set and SaaS-based architecture, educational institutions finally have a solution that they can rely on.

The key problem facing educational institutions is that they do not have the necessary level of visibility into the student body’s activities to secure all present vulnerabilities. From keeping underage students safe online, to protecting the credit card information on file for tuition payments in higher education, school administrators are becoming more and more aware of the need to go beyond enforcement.

By gaining visibility into what sites students visit, and what they do once they are there as well as who has access to sensitive data behind the scenes, parents and administrators gain a purview into a world beyond the physical confines of the school. Since the Internet is far reaching and dynamic, school administrators need an agent-based, cloud-ready tool like InterGuard that not only deals with today’s threats, but identifies the threats of tomorrow as well.

Awareness Technologies has developed solutions aimed at removing the cost and complexity of addressing the unique concerns of educational institutions of all sizes. By delivering technologically elegant solutions in a SaaS form factor, Awareness Technologies has positioned itself as an ally in the quest to secure both students and the sensitive data stored an in motion across the entire organization – both on and off the network. ATI solutions are trusted by over 10,000 schools and companies world wide to provide an unparalleled level of visibility and control over computer activity and sensitive data.

Government, Law Enforcement:

Government, Law EnforcementGovernmental agencies face ever-increasing pressure to do more with their existing resources. InterGuard’s SaaS-based architecture allows them to do just that. InterGuard delivers 360 degree protection, no matter how the agency is structured. As the only Unified Internal Threat Management solution, InterGuard is the next generation of data protection.

Financial Services:

Financial ServicesFinancial Services Compliance Requirements

Regulatory compliance is a complex and expensive endeavor, and the burden is the same for large and small institutions alike. The resources that companies have at their disposal to comply with the ever-growing demands of regulators and to defend against the myriad vulnerabilities inherent in data security, however, vary wildly. That’s why Awareness Technologies has focused its development on delivering managed solutions that lift the burden of compliance and security off of the shoulders of the organizations themselves.

Sarbanes Oxley Act (SarbOx)

The legislation set new or enhanced standards for corporate accounting practices. The act contains 11 titles, or sections designed to increase the stringency of the guidelines that accounting practices must conform to. The act also covers issues such as auditor independence, corporate governance, internal control assessment, and enhanced financial disclosure.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

The "Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act" or GLBA, also know as The Financial Modernization Act of 1999, includes provisions to protect consumers’ personal financial information held by financial institutions. GLBA contains several stipulations that increase the data security requirements of all financial services institutions. The three principal parts to the privacy requirements: the Financial Privacy Rule, Safeguards Rule and pretexting provisions.

Regulation S-P (Reg S-P)

An extension of GLBA, Regulation S-P details the rules regarding the requirements and restrictions on a financial institution's ability to disclose nonpublic personal information about consumers. The SEC is currently reviewing the rules in light of the increasing number of security breaches. In a move that demonstrates growing regulatory requirements in general, the SEC’s proposed amendments would expand the rule’s areas of coverage to include additional types of information that must be protected, and well as increasing the overall scope of who must comply.

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP)

The FRCP govern the court proceedings for civil trials. The rules cover elements of disclosure, and mandate that financial institutions must be able to provide electronically stored information relevant to a civil case.

Unparalleled Solutions for Financial Services)

Awareness Technologies has developed solutions aimed at removing the cost and complexity of addressing the compliance and security of financial institutions of all sizes. By delivering technologically elegant solutions in a SaaS form factor, Awareness Technologies has positioned itself as an ally in the quest to secure companies’ sensitive data across the entire organization – both on and off the network – as well as meeting the requirements of regulatory compliance. ATI solutions are trusted by over 10,000 companies world wide to provide an unparalleled level of visibility and control over sensitive data.


HealthcareInterGuard’s health care-specific policies make it easy for healthcare providers to comply with regulatory mandates. Recognizing the burden that these unique regulations place on healthcare organizations, InterGuard was designed from the ground up to be easy to implement and use.

Healthcare Compliance Requirements

Healthcare organizations have historically struggled to securely transition from their analog roots of pen and paper to the more agile digital world that other industries have long since adopted. The rigors of the regulatory compliance surrounding electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) places a tremendous burden on healthcare organizations to ensure that they both understand the vulnerabilities that they face, and have a security plan to effectively address them. That’s why Awareness Technologies has focused its development on delivering managed solutions that lift the burden of compliance and security off of the shoulders of the organizations themselves.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, was passed and finalized in 1996. The Act sets national standards for the protection of individual medical information. The act was passed by Congress as a response to the growing concern of easy accessibility to patient information.

In February of 2009, President Obama signed the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). This act extends certain aspects of HIPAA regarding security and privacy requirements. It additionally mandates the federal security breach reporting requirements for compromised ePHI.

Awareness Technologies has developed solutions aimed at removing the cost and complexity of addressing the compliance and security of healthcare institutions of all sizes. By delivering technologically elegant solutions in a SaaS form factor, Awareness Technologies has positioned itself as an ally in the quest to secure companies’ sensitive data across the entire organization – both on and off the network – as well as meeting the requirements of regulatory compliance. ATI solutions are trusted by over 10,000 companies world wide to provide an unparalleled level of visibility and control over sensitive data.