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InterGuard Web Filtering
See everything from everywhere - the next generation of web filtering

InterGuard Data Loss Prevention - The only solution with NO Hardware Required

InterGuard Web Filtering
Web Filtering
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 1-10 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 1.
Our Price: $19.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 11-25 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 11.
Our Price: $15.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 26-100 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 26.
Our Price: $12.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 101-500 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 101.
Our Price: $10.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 501-1,000 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 501.
Our Price: $9.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 1,001+ Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 1,001.
Our Price: $8.00

Click here to jump to more pricing!


The Next Generation of Web Filtering

By solving the web filtering problem directly at the endpoint, InterGuard removes the need for hardware, eliminates latency, and ext rends protection beyond the corporate network. In addition InterGuard Web Filtering is designed to extend your visibility beyond a simple list of URLs and give you a true understanding of whether or not your employees are acting in a safe productive manner.

Beyond Blocking - 3 Main Advantages

  1. It Works Both On and Off of the Corporate Network

    InterGuard unique architectural advantage means that no matter where the computer goes - on the network, off the network, traveling in the field, a remote office, anywhere - you'll still have full functionality. And since the policies are stored locally on the machine there is no latency. All blocking decisions are made instantly without needing to make a call to a remote server and you can see all of the computers in your organization from a single web-based portal.

  2. It Delivers Unparalleled Visibility

    InterGuard doesn’t just give you a list of the URLs that your employees are visiting like other web filtering applications. Instead it proves total visibility into what your employees are doing online. InterGuard captures all web-searches performed, as well as taking screenshots of the websites that they visit. And that’s just the beginning of what InterGuard can do

  3. The Only Saas - Capable Solution of its Kind

    InterGuard requires no hardware whatsoever and is unsurpassed in ease of use. That’s why we encourage people to try InterGuard for themselves. Because InterGuard is an agent-based technology it can be deployed in a SaaS environment – requiring no hardware, and l’eaving nothing to manage. InterGuard sets up in minutes, no matter how many computers you have in your organization – and no matter how your organization is laid out. Whether your entire organization is located in one place or spread out across the globe, InterGuard makes it easy to manage all of your employees from one web-based interface.

How It Works

1. Web Based Interface

Download agents silently and remotely
Make Settings
View Reports

Web Filter - How it works

2. Our Cloud or Yours

Leverage our data center or use your own -- the choice is yours. No hardware required unless you want to use your own. SonarWeb is Citrix Ready.

3. Works On and Off Network

As an endpoint agent, SonarWeb works everywhere, both on or off network. Ideal for remote staff.

SaaS Ready - Let us do the work for you:

Traditional solutions require you to set up and support the infrastructure necessary to run a network-based solution. InterGuard on the other hand does not require any hardware, sets up in minutes and allows you to provide your organization with a superior solution at a fraction of the total cost of ownership of a network-based solution - and without the IT headaches.

Web Filtering Features:

SonarWeb is the Web Filtering module of the InterGuard suite, which also includes: Employee Monitoring, Data Loss Prevention and Laptop Anti-Theft Recovery. Our unique endpoint solution allows you to record and filter web activity that no other solution can as well as function seamlessly with remote staff. SonarWeb is Citrix Ready.

Recording Features Blocking Features

Web Surfing

Web Surfing

Record all websites visited or blocked. Be alerted if selected sites or categories are visited.



Utilize our 36 pre-screened and sorted URL lists to easily implement policies.

Web Searches

Web Searches

See what’s being typed in and searched for in all search engines.

Web Content

Web Content

Block websites that contain keywords selected by you. Ideal for blocking Google images.

Bandwidth Utilization

Bandwidth Utilization

Monitor network bandwidth usage by computer. Reduce cost and free up bandwidth by identifying high usage applications and users.

URL Whitelist

URL Whitelist

Create your own specific lists that are customized to your business needs.

InterGuard User Interface (click on images to enlarge)



Bandwidth Utilization

Bandwidth Utilization

Website Surfing

Website Surfing

Website Searches

Website Searches

Website Blocking

Website Blocking



Web Filtering Benefits:

Reporting Suite that Does the Work for You
Awareness Webfiltering works for you. Not the other way around. As such, its dashboard comes stocked with dozens of pre-defined reports to help you quickly identify the areas of your organization that need your attention. You’ll instantly see who’s productive, who’s not, and who’s putting your company at risk and what you need to do to automatically curb such behavior.

Local Agent Eliminates Latency
By agent-based and making decisions locally instead of relying on network architecture and making decisions via server queries, Awareness Webfiltering does not suffer from latency during web surfing. has simplified deployment and managed to create a webfiltering application that doesn’t slow websurfing down the way that traditional solutions do. It is also via this desktop architecture that InterGuard has been able to expand their coverage to off-network computers as well.

Centrally Managed Solution Provides Remote Access
Awareness Webfiltering is a centrally managed solution that provides administrators with access to their account via any web-browser. This coupled with its desktop architecture means that even the most distributed environment can be managed as one unified whole from a single interface. This makes Awareness Webfiltering the ideal solution for companies with remote and/or mobile workforce.

Bullet-Proof Proxy Protection
By solving the web filtering problem directly at the endpoint, InterGuard removes the need for hardware, eliminates latency, and extends protection beyond the corporate network.

A Full-Featured Productivity Suite
If desired, Awareness Webfiltering can be purchased as part of a full-featured employee activity monitoring bundle that delivers total visibility and total control over the digital environment. With Awareness Employee Monitoring you’ll see not only how people spend their time on the computer, but you’ll also see the exact details of what they’re doing. You’ll have forensic-level visibility into emails, webmail, Instant Messages, and keystrokes. Monitoring features can be turned on or off based on department, computer or even the individual – giving you total control over the level of visibility that you have in your organization.


Please click the video below to learn more about how InterGuard's Employee Monitoring Software can help your organization with internal data leakage.

Web Filtering video

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Where do I log in?

Answer: You can log in at

Q: I can only see data from the last two days; how can I view older data?

Answer: By default, the user interface will show the last two days of data. If you would like to see data recorded prior to that all you need to do is expand the date range to show data beyond two days. When viewing Recorded Data or the Dashboard, you will see a 'To' and a 'From' date field on the top right side of your account window. Simply enter the desired dates and click the green 'Go' button. The window will refresh and display the new data based on your new date selection.

Q: I don’t see any screenshots; how can I configure the software to take screenshots?

Answer: The software has two utilities that can record screenshots of the monitored user’s activity; Smart Camera and Alert Words. Each requires that you configure settings to trigger screenshots. You may not see any screenshots, because there may not be any triggers configured in the Smart Camera or Alert Words settings.

You can configure either Smart Camera or Alert Words by going to the Settings section of your account and selecting Recording & Blocking. On the right of the Recording & Blocking page you will see several on/off switches for the various monitors, included Smart Camera and Alert Words. Make sure that the desired monitor is on. By clicking the Settings link next to Smart Camera or Alert Words you can configure their settings.

Q: How can I view data from only one user?

Answer: Your account has an Advanced Filter that can be used to narrow down the recorded data. You can use it to display only data from a specific computer or Windows user logon. To display the advanced filter while viewing Recorded Data or the Dashboard, click the “Advanced Filter” link located on the top right of the window. There are a variety of filter options with a drop down menu next to each. If you want to filter by computer, click the dropdown next to Computer, and select the desired name. If you want to filter by Windows username, do the same, but select the dropdown next to Logon. Then click the green Go button. Your Advanced Filter settings will remain in place until you log off your account or change the Advanced Filter Settings.

Additionally, when viewing Recorded Data, there is a grouping tool. The left most frame of the Recorded Data section displays grouping options. By selecting an item displayed in grouping, your Recorded Data will be filtered by those criteria. You can change the criteria in grouping by clicking the “Group by” button located just above the grouping frame. Amongst the various criteria, you will find a option for Computer or Logon. By selecting one of these options you can use grouping tool to display data based on computer or Windows username.

Q: Websites are not being blocked; how do I block websites?

Answer: The software’s website blocking feature is on by default, however you will need instruct the software as to what website to block. Go to the Settings section of your account and select Recording & Blocking. You will see several on/off switches for the various monitors, including Block Websites. If it is not already configured, click On next to Block Websites. This will open a new window where you can configure the software’s website blocking utilities. You can block based on website categories or by entering a website domain ( for example). The software can also be configured to scan the text of websites and block sites that contain words phrases that you have selected. Lastly you can configure the software to block all websites, and allow sites that you have selected. For specifics on each blocking utility please consult the user guide available in the help section of your account.

Q: How can I export my data?

Answer: When viewing Record Data, click on the “Export” button located above the grouping and summary frames, and then chose the desired export type and the desired format. There are two kinds of exports; summary and detail. The summary export is an overview that will provide the basic information about the recorded data, but it will not include details of recorded events. This export is very similar to what is displayed in the summary frame.

The Detail export will list each recorded event individually and include the details.

In the case of both export types, only the events that are currently being displayed according to your date and advanced filter settings will be exported. Please note that export only respects the date and advanced filter; it does not respect any grouping options. Data will be exported regardless of your Group By selections.

Q: How can I view summaries or reports of the recorded data?

Answer: If you are interested in summaries and reports based on your recorded data, take a look at the Dashboard in your account. The Dashboard contains a variety of different summaries and reports; we call these items Widgets. Each widget can be displayed in a variety of formats, graph, table, pie chart, etc.

There are six widgets displayed by default. However there are many more Widgets available to you. You can select which widgets you would like to display on your dashboard by clicking Manage in the Dashboard section of your account. A new window will pop up listing the available widgets in the left frame and the currently visible widgets in the right frame. Currently visible widgets are the ones that will be displayed on your dashboard. To add a widget to your dashboard select it from the Available list and click the right facing arrow. To remove a widget from your dashboard select it from the Currently Visible list and click the left facing arrow. When you are done adding or removing widgets, click the Ok button. For more specific details on each widget, please consult the user guide available in the help section of your account.

Q: How can I create different recording and blocking policies for different monitored users?

Answer: You can accomplish this by using Groups in your Recording & Blocking settings. Groups are a simple way to create unique Recording Options rule-sets and assign Windows users or entire computers to the each rule-set. This means you can designate unique recording options for each Windows user or group of Windows users, each computer or group of computers, or a combination of Windows users and computers.

To manage groups, go to the Settings section of your account and select Recording & Blocking. You will see a Groups section in the middle of the page. To create a new Group, enter the name of the new Group in the Add Group text box and click the Add button. New Groups contain no members. To add members to the group, highlight the desired Group then click on the Members tab on the right. This will display the members of the group, however if it is a new group it will be blank. To add members, click the Add Member Button. A search utility will open up that will allow you to search for computers or Windows users recorded by our software. Simply select the desired items and click the Add button. Users and computers can only be in one group at one time, so when you add a member to a group, that member is also being removed from its previous group.

Since each group has its own unique settings, simply apply the desired settings to your new group and only members of that group will be affected.

Q: How can I silently deploy the software to computers on my company network?

Answer: Awareness Technologies can build an unattended (silent) executable for your account. This unattended executable does not require any user interaction and will not display an installation wizard. It installs in the back ground and registers the software automatically. We offer an unattended executable so that you may have some flexibility in your deployment.

There are a variety of tools that an administrator can use to deploy executables to computers on their network. Just about all methods will work find with our unattended executable. If you don’t already have a deployment tool, we generally recommend PsExec which is available for free from Microsoft System Internals. It is a lightweight simple command line utility that doesn’t require any software to be pre-installed on the target computers. For more information on PsExec, please see the link below:

Please contact your sales rep or account manager for more information on how to obtain an unattended executable built for your account or for more information on using PsExec to deploy our software.

Q: How long does it take for recorded data to show up in my account?

Answer: After an event has been recorded the software will attempt to upload the data to your account right away. The amount of time that this takes will vary depending on the bandwidth and system resources available at that time, but generally it only takes a minute or two. If the computer is being used offline, recorded data is still captured and is stored until by the software until the computer goes back online.

Different data types are recorded at different intervals, so some data types will show up in your account sooner than others. For example, websites are recorded when the user leaves a website or when the internet browser window is closed while keystroke records are updated every several minutes, therefore it is possible to see a recorded website show up in your account before any keystrokes recorded from that same user activity.

Q: How long is the data stored in my account?

Answer: All of the recorded data is stored in your account for at least 14 days at no charge. It will remain in your account until it becomes 14 days old, or until you delete it. If you want to keep the data longer, you can purchase Data Storage subscription. Data Storage can be purchased in your account by going to the Settings section and selecting Subscriptions.

Q: How do I change my password?

Answer: To change your password, go to the Settings section of your account and select User Access. Click the Edit Password button.


Download the Web Filtering Overview (PDF).

Pricing Notes:

InterGuard Web Filtering
Web Filtering
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 1-10 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 1.
Our Price: $19.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 11-25 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 11.
Our Price: $15.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 26-100 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 26.
Our Price: $12.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 101-500 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 101.
Our Price: $10.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 501-1,000 Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 501.
Our Price: $9.00
InterGuard Web Filtering, 1 Year, 1,001+ Users
*Price per user. Minimum quantity is 1,001.
Our Price: $8.00